This terms and Conditions is set as an agreement on the conditions on which we (, part of Lime Enterprise Limited , 公司无. 07632577) will provide the rental of wifi internet device (router, dongle, mifi, 互联网设备) through (the company). The contract is between you and Lime Enterprise Limited , U.K registered number 07632577 having its Limited company registered office at 20-22 WENLOCK ROAD, 伦敦, 英格兰, N1 7GU and offering this service through its brand Wifi Hire UK ( By placing your, hiring through/from, you agree to be bound by the terms and condition of this agreement. If you do not agree with our terms and condition or terms of service, please do not continue to use the website and do not rent any device from us. We reserve the right to change, update, modify, amend this rental agreement at any time, without notifying you.

Service offered

我们公司提供无线加密狗和设备出租. wifi 上网设备随附电源插头和说明书 (guide) 和互联网数据. 租金中包含的互联网数据是通过互联网服务提供商提供的 (比如EE ,沃达丰, 三) , 这使得访问互联网成为可能. 在我们努力扩展与我们合作的数据网络时,我们可能会为您分配一台运行在不同于此处所列数据网络的设备. 我们不能保证我们发给您的设备会不间断地运行或没有任何错误 , 或者它将满足您的所有需求. We can not be held responsible for the quality, speed reliability of the device or the internet access. 我们不能保证您拥有的每个电子设备都能连接到我们发给您的路由器或wifi设备. 数据供应商/互联网服务提供商有自己的政策 , 互联网使用的条款和条件,我们对其条款和条件以及互联网供应商更改/更新这些条款和条件没有控制权或责任. 我们或分配给您的设备的数据供应商保留断开向您分配的设备提供的数据的权利(发给您的设备) 有或没有提前通知. 我们不保证交付给您的包裹中包含使用互联网接入路由器所需的所有物品. 如果包裹中缺少任何物品,您有责任在交货当天通知我们 .

The use of the hired device

您的交付和联系方式将提供给我们用于处理租用设备交付的快递/交付服务公司,以便他们提供交付相关服务或通信. 您同意您承担法律责任 您同意您不被允许并且应该 不是 我们保留暂停或取消任何部分租赁的权利. We may or may not notify you of the cancellation. 我们或我们的数据供应商可以通过数据提供商的平台/系统监控您使用的互联网量. 数据提供商的隐私和使用政策不在我们的控制范围内, hence these would take priority if usage is abused Data provider has the ability to monitor usage of internet data based on their privacy policies. Access to age restricted contents Your assigned device may have access to age restricted contents un-blocked(meaning any one using the device can have access to age restricted contents) or make have the access blocked (meaning any one using the device would not have access to age restricted contents) by default.

Delivery Policy

我们将发送设备,目的是在租用开始日期将其送达您的送货地址(the date you provided as the start of hire date) 或 1 到 3 days before your start of hire date (尽可能礼貌) . 我们不保证租用的设备会提前或在您的租用开始日期到达, 因为交付过程和物流可能会出现延误. We use a delivery service company for the delivery of devices to addresses, 因此,我们无法控制设备到达目的地的时间或任何可能的延迟. Hence in some rare occasions, 由于意外情况或我们无法控制的情况,设备可能会比预期晚到达.
  1. 我们不保证您从租用开始之日起就可以访问互联网,也不保证您租用的互联网设备从租用开始之日起可供您使用.
  2. 如果您分配的设备晚于您的租用开始日期到达, 您将只有资格获得未使用天数的租金费用的退款 (设备交付日期与租用开始日期之间的天数差异) 在租用日期和包裹交付日期之间.
  3. It is your responsibility to ensure you or someone would be available to accept the device package that has been delivered to your delivery address. 您有责任向我们提供有效的英国地址. 没有未使用的一天(小号)如果您延迟领取设备是因为当送货员试图将包裹送至您提供的送货地址时无人应门,我们将针对延迟取件或送货退款. 没有未使用的一天(小号) 如果由于您提供的地址无效或包裹被送货地址的主人拒收而造成送货延迟,我们将予以退款.
  4. 您将负责将设备以良好的工作状态无损坏地返回给我们.
  5. 您的交付和联系方式将提供给我们用于处理租用设备交付的快递/交付服务公司,以便他们提供交付相关服务或通信.
  6. 我们补贴一些寄给客户的包裹的运费和包裹中的退货标签. 如果我们必须重新投递您的包裹,或者邮寄给您的包裹在快递/送货服务公司尝试投递时被拒收,您将需要支付实际投递费用和相关费用.
免费送货优惠: 免费送货优惠仅适用于符合我们规定条件的租赁/订单. 基于消费金额的免费送货优惠将在满足免费送货门槛的计算中排除可退还押金金额. 如果出现以下情况,您将需要支付运费和所有快递相关费用:

Refundable deposit

When you place an order to rent a portable internet device, a security deposit would be added to your balance at the checkout stage. 押金将用于支付设备或包裹中包含的任何物品损坏或设备丢失或发送给您的包裹中包含的物品丢失的费用,或者我们因您的租赁而产生的任何额外费用. 如果我们因您的雇佣而产生任何额外费用, 额外费用将被扣除, 收到退回的设备且工作状态良好后,余额将退还给您. 如果设备按时归还且工作状态良好, 您的押金将退回到您用于支付订单的同一个帐户中. If not, 费用将从可退还押金中相应扣除. Returned devices takes up to 5 working days to get to us. Refundable deposit would be issued within 10 working days after we have received the returned device.

Returning the wifi device

You are responsible for the return of the wifi device. The device and all accessories included in the hire package should be returned by using the courtesy pre-paid return postage label (我们出于礼貌并自行决定向您发出 ) 您的包裹中提供并放入任何英国邮政信箱. If the courtesy return label has been damaged/misplaced/lost, 您有责任联系我们以获取将设备和配件寄回给我们的地址,并且您将负责将 WiFi 设备和充电器/电源插头寄回给我们的所有费用/费用. 退回租用设备/物品的费用 (并按时归还) 会被你覆盖. 如果您忘记/未能按时将设备寄回给我们,您将需要支付租用结束日期与您将设备寄回给我们日期之间的延长期限/天数的费用 (每天最低收费 10 英镑) even if the device was not used during that period.

Rental/transaction charges and handling

We do not store card details on our system. 您的交付和联系方式将提供给我们用于处理租用设备交付的快递/交付服务公司,以便他们提供交付相关服务或通信.

Cancellation and refunds

No refund (except your refundable deposit) is given if you cancel your order within less than 8 (eight) days before your start of hire date. 这是因为我们已经付出我们的数据供应商为您分配的数据,,en,退款发行,,en,个工作日内取消已被处理后,,,en,我们不能保证该设备将不间断运行或没有任何错误,它会满足您的所有需求,,en. You may cancel your reservation/order without any penalty 8 (Eight) days before your start date (start of hire date). Refunds are issued 1 到 10 working days after the cancellation has been processed. 所有取消退款不包括我们使用的支付处理公司收取的不可退还的交易费用,也不包括与租用或退款相关的任何费用. 因此,这意味着我们不会退还交易费用以及与处理付款的公司收取的不可退还费用相关的任何费用.


我们不能保证我们的互联网路由器设备会 我们不能保证或保证设备会准时到达 我们不能对质量负责, speed reliability of the device or the internet access. We shall be under no liability for any delay or failure to deliver products or otherwise perform any obligation as specified in these terms and conditions if the same is wholly or partly caused whether directly or indirectly by circumstances beyond its reasonable control. We have no liability for loss, damage, delay, inconvenience, or direct or consequential loss, however caused, unless due to our employees negligence, in which case our liability is limited (except for death or personal injury) to a maximum of the refund of the hire cost. We do not own the data supplied through the wifi device used and we have no liability for loss or damage caused by the proprietors ,operators or data suppliers thereof. 我们保留随时更改这些租赁条款和条件的权利,恕不另行通知. 任何此类更改都将显示在网站的此页面上. 我们保留随时暂停或取消本网站任何部分及其提供的服务的权利,恕不另行通知.


虽然我们现在拥有为租用设备提供数据的数据供应网络, 我们努力为客户提供良好的体验. 如果出于任何原因您对服务不满意, please – send an email reply to your hire confirmation email (包含您的雇佣详细信息的电子邮件, 交货流程, 如何归还设备, e.t.c ) 分享您的担忧. 您也可以代表他人提出投诉, as long as we get confirmation of consent from the person who placed the original order by – the person notifying us by replying their hire confirmation email to notify us – or confirming the delivery address plus the post code of the billing address in your email and then providing 如果团队成员未能解决问题 5 working days, 然后您可以请求经理处理该问题.