如何在没有固定电话的情况下获得短期 WiFi 互联网

有些人最大的恐惧是去某个地方发现没有互联网接入. 在现代, having an internet connection is becoming a necessity. This is because without a wifi connection one cannot be able to have access to their emails, connect to their office website or go to any social media site. Not having internet connection could make ones holiday or work frustrating.

You can resolve this problem or sudden surprise of no internet connection from happening with any of these two solutions

  1. Hiring a portable wifi device. This device comes with an unlimited data and can be used at home or on the move. It connects up to 8 gadgets to the internet and requires charging after 6 hours of use.
  2. Another great device that can keep you connected to the internet, is our wifi internet router kit.
    temp moving home internet Wifi
    This router kit comes with unlimited data and can connect over 30 gadgets, with a 150 设备和小工具之间 wifi 连接的米半径. 在家/办公室使用的最佳选择,因为它不需要充电. 只需连接到电源, 开机, 您可以通过wifi将您的小工具连接到它以访问互联网.

    使用这些设备中的任何一个, 你可以让你的小工具连接到互联网. 为了在英国或欧洲大部分地区不与互联网断开连接,为什么不给自己买一个 wifi 设备 wifihire.co.uk .