(1) 当您浏览我们的网站时,我们会收集哪些类型的信息?

We may collect, store and use information about your device platform and about your visits and use of this website. The type of information we may collected are IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit and number of page views and pages viewed;

We do NOT store credit/debit card numbers, 除了处理付款的公司外,我们不会向任何第三方出售或分享敏感的客户卡详细信息. 交易和卡详细信息由 PayPal 等受信任的支付服务提供商处理/处理 (贝宝网) 和条纹 (条纹网)

(2) Cookies

Wifihire.co.uk may send a cookie which may be stored by your browser on your computers hard drive or device.

Reason for collecting these information: This data is collected for statistical reason enables us to focus and adjust our website to be more suitable for customers, filter and improve the product and services we offer.

Cookies can also help us make your usage of the website more personalised website experience.
Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. (For example, 在 Internet Explorer 中,您可以通过单击“工具”拒绝所有 cookie, “Internet Options”, “Privacy”, 并使用滑动选择器选择“阻止所有 cookie”。) This will, however, have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.

(3) Using your personal data

我们使用您在下订单时提供的电子邮件地址和详细信息向您发送订单确认信息, 以任何与您的订单或我们的服务直接相关的原因与您联系, or occasionally to inform you of new features on, or offers , or replies to your enquires, 提供给快递/送货服务公司 (您的联系方式和送货详情) 处理租用设备的交付,以便他们可以提供与您的租用服务相关的交付相关服务或通信.

(4) Sharing access to Information

We share information about you with some third-parties who have appropriate safeguards in place to protect your privacy.

(5) Policy amendments

我们可能会不时通过在我们的网站上发布新版本来更新本隐私政策. 您应该不时查看此页面,以确保您对任何更改感到满意.

(6) Contact

如果您对本隐私政策或我们对您的个人数据的处理有任何疑问, 请通过电子邮件给我们写信至 info@wifihire.co.uk
